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Oscar Palacios


Back in 1999 Dickson  Despommier, a microbiology professor at Columbia University who first developed the idea of vertical farming, thought vertical farming was going to become more and more attractive as climate change would drive up the cost of conventional farming and technological advances would make greenhouse farming cheaper. Back then he predicted that in 50 years the world would be producing half of its food in vertical farms. 


So far Prof. Despommier hasn’t run short on his prediction. According to Dow Jones Venture Source, as the money involved in U.S. food startups is still small compared with Internet companies, venture-capital investment in agriculture and food soared 54% to $486 million in 2014 and new technologies that promise to change how food is grown, transported and sold are attracting increased interest from the kinds of investors that have fueled Silicon Valley powerhouses. Craig Lawson, managing director at MHT MidSpan Partners (a San Francisco leading national investment bank), commented to CNBC that one of the most promising fields in agriculture these days entails growing crops indoors in layers, stacked in racks, in multi-story buildings or specialized structures. And an increasing number of early-stage investors believe these New Age food factories could transform agribusiness. And for Will Kain, venture capitalist and ecologically responsible investor for Rusheen Capital Partners, LLC ("RCP"), his goal is simple: Find and invest in those technologies and companies that will significantly ‘improve efficiencies’ and reverse the ecological damage and environmental harm modern agriculture and industry have wrought upon our planet in the 21st century.




In the last 19 years new technologies have evolve acquiring recognition among capital markets, however today they are been considered as the Mayor Investment Opportunity in Modern History. When analyzing the most important new investment trends for shareholders, Dr. Carolina Minio-Paluello, Global Head of Sales and Solutions in the in independed banking group Lombard Odier, one of the most important private bank and assets management in Switzerland and Europe and the first European entity to acquire a place in the New York Stock Market, reassure that Sustainability is the force driving an economic revolution where five global mega trends will define this revolution and its economic and social results. Lombard Odier sees climate change as one of the key megatrends driving this revolution that will require to adapt and innovate.


Dr. Minio-Paluello consider that the physical risk associated with the rise in global temperatures and the transition risk created by shifting towards a low-carbon economy are already having wide-reaching consequences for investors’ portfolios. She predicts that capital markets will have a very important role to play in the way they actually direct flows, favoring companies that are transitioning to a more sustainable future.


As new technological companies reaches total sustainability by eradicating waste and greenhouse gases releases to the environment and the reversal of climate change, these new technologies become the most attractive with a maximum priority for signiant investments and the ones with half way solutions that falsely advertised themselves as a complete ecological or green alternative will be relegated to second place with less priority.


At the corporate level, as momentum builds, companies of all sizes are starting to placenew emphasis on sustainable business practices and business models as a key way to shift to grow, obtain excellent results for shareholders, and attract capital.


To build Sustainability into Investment Opportunities we must understand that the concept of green sustainable growth must put emphasis in the fact that environmental protection must be compatible with the concept of economic growth and benefices such as avoiding the economic cost of the environmental degradation which becomes an significantly important consideration when learning that the U.S. National Climate Assessment, reveled in late 2018, that “Human-induce climate has already increase in the number and strength of some extreme events causing in 2018 more than US$160 billion in damages, according to insurer Munich Re.


Today is not surprise to see leading companies in oil and gas developing transitioning plans toward a low-carbon economy and for companies that fail such transition, there is high potential for losing its value.


On the other hand someone could argue that we still have to see if such technologies already exists, or if it will exists, and if so will it work? Or if it will have the ability to pave the route towards an economic reorganization in the interstation of the energy and climate aspects. However such arguments could be dismissed because in first place a new Green Vertical Aquaponics Agroindustry Center Concept has already been conceived with all require characteristics that doesn’t imply been a new invention, on the contrary it has resulted from re designing and adapting new advance technologies already working with an excellent track record to work as a single productive unit. In second place the ability to reach an economic re organization is highly possible with the use of the information and communication technologies and advances and innovations of different nature such as economic functionality.





These advances and innovations had already crystallized in the challenging area of the way to produce all the food we’ll need without degrading our planet. Such affirmation is totally realistic and based on ten years of continuous work with thousands of men/hour of research and developing that have allowed conceiving a new Green Sustainable Vertical Aquaponics Agroindustry Complex capable of massively producing a wide variety of organic vegetables, fish, dairy products and live stocks finished with value added. This new concept is in fact a total shift from the paradigms in the agriculture technologies we have been fallowing from the beginning of the industrial revolution between 1760 and 1840 which has resulted in an environmental degradation force for the planet, releasing tons of carbon to the atmosphere due to the degradation of the soil by a non-sustainable agriculture practices that lack an effective restitution of the soil that will play a relevant roll in sequestering CO2 and slowing down Global Warming.


What makes this project different from the others is its potential for global reach and impact on the planet, world economies and the public. It is based on the solutions to the most significant problems that our civilization faces at moments when we're struggling to figure out how we're going to feed over nine billion people with limitations in natural resources and in the face of a climate change that is becoming more unmistakable and destructive that must be reversed. 


It will be able to produce in less than 10% of the world cultivated lands all the organic food that will be needed to feed an over populated world that by 2050 will total over 9 billion people and more. It present new renewable and unlimited alternatives for green electric power generation and will reduce the total water use for agriculture from 70% of the current water available for humanity to much less than one third while in a practical and economical way will eliminate the environmental degradation generated by the current agriculture and animal agriculture technics inflicting a determine impact to reach the extraction and sequestering of CO2 accumulated in the atmosphere.


With a low initial investment, an extraordinary productive capacity and the highest economic performance this new technological concept will promote the flow of world capitals toward this new way of producing green organic food and expand to a global scale to become, together with the total elimination of fossil fuels, a way to reverse Climate Change and win the climate fight.

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